Support Our Schools

Perkins students and parents go to the statehouse to support a 4% funding increase for our Iowa schools. These Penguins are not just representing Perkins school or Des Moines Schools. These dedicated altruistic Iowans are supporting  adequate funding for approximately 1502 schools and 487,559 students in Iowa. Every student deserves an exemplary education. Many famous people have made significant contributions in the world who received a quality Iowa education; such as: Herbert Hoover, Mamie Eisenhower, Robert Noyce, Andy Williams, Donna Reed, Johnny Carson, Elsa Maxwell, Glenn Miller, and the list goes on. Somewhere amongst the 487,000 students presently in school will also make their debut in the world. We have a tradition of excellence in Iowa. That tradition began in an Iowa classroom from a  great Iowa teacher. Don’t our kids today deserve the same opportunities?  Support our schools!

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