Academic Growth

Perkins students are making huge academic progress on their mid year tests. Some students gaining as much as 500 points from their fall SRI and SMI results. As test results are completed, Perkins staff present academic medals. We are proud of the hard work our students do everyday to improve academically and want to show our appreciation by giving them a medal. SRI test scores judges students’ reading comprehension. A students scores aren’t adjusted for your age. Basically, 1st graders typically score 100-400, whilst 11th graders see scores from 1000-1300.  A high score means that *in theory* your child has the best reading comprehension at his level. Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) is a computer-adaptive mathematics test that provides a measure of students’ readiness for mathematics instruction in the form of a Quantile measure. The results of the test can be used to measure how well students understand, and are likely to be successful with, various grade-appropriate mathematical skills and topics. SMI is designed to be administered three to five times during a school year.

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