Student Council Election. THE RESULTS ARE IN!!!

Perkins Elementary 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders voted for their student council President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer today.  After listening to all candidates speeches in the gym, student went back to their classrooms and voted.  The speeches were very well worded and also gave the students a taste of what could happen if they voted for that particular person.  The votes were tallied and the winners were very gracious in their victory.  These future leaders of our school have a big task at hand. The candidates that were defeated were also very gracious for the chance to run and gained a lot of experience.

President: Millie Heim

Vice President: Olivia Liechti

Secretary: Camille Paige

Treasurer: Ben Lundy



Presidential Candidates: Joel Baynes, MIllie Heim, Arianna Jackson


Vice Presidential Candidates: Lauren Hall, Emy Osborne, Olivia Liechti


Secretary Candidates: Anna Lundy, Camille Paige, Lily Smith


Treasurer Candidates: Cate Bright, Ben Lundy

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